About Space News Mom

Once upon a time, my first born played with garbage trucks on the ground. We played together happily picking up trash from plastic bins from imaginary neighborhoods complete with recycling options.  I can still remember him making the rumbling and grumbling noises of the garbage being broken down.

Then he saw his first YouTube video of a NASA shuttle launch into space. It wasn’t the noise or the explosive liftoff that caught my future garbage man’s attention. It was the shuttle rocket boosters falling back to Earth that made his eyes glimmer.

“Are those garbage?” he asked curiously.

My child’s inquisitive mind turned to the stars. In just a few days, he learned about our technological junk orbiting around Earth, which he properly name space garbage.  We continued to play with garbage trucks, but the ground was no longer under the wheels. My son’s garbage trucks could fly and we were collecting space junk around Earth’s orbit.

The child’s fascination with space only grew. We learned planets, galaxies, secrets of the Universe and all kinds of cosmic wonders together. But it wasn’t enough. My little boy had bigger plans.

“Mom, I will go to Mars. I will build a rocket ship and go,” he calmly stated.

As a mom, you must prepare yourself that your children will leave your womb, your bed, your room, their room, the house, the state, the country . . . BUT EARTH!!!!!

It was that day that Space News Mom was born. I knew that not only would I need to prepare myself for his departure, but that I must prepare him as well.

The first step in feeling prepared is knowing the subject matter and in my case, it is keeping up with the news about space.

The privatization of space is happening now! The commercialization of low Earth orbit is in bloom! In the next decade the opportunities for growth in this industry is astronomical!  

There will be demand for jobs and investment opportunities in National Security, Energy Independence, Environmental Quality and Space Exploration. Currently, NASA is already open for business in the bio-industry on the International Space Station. We are living in exciting times!

I am a mom. A mom who wants to prepare my child (and herself) for future opportunities.

I am Space News Mom. I discuss Space News with a Mom’s point of view.