Podcast Episodes

Thanks for tuning in to my fourth episode of Space News Mom!

I am not one for regrets, I am a look forward kind of gal. BUT when 50 years pass since the last human stepped on the moon . . . well, I am not sure if regret covers it. Monumental loss to space exploration is more like it.

Let’s see, my biggest regret in life: not making my relationship with my sister a priority. However, like NASA and other global space programs, I am making plans and a budget for my priorities to return to their original destination. In my case, it’s Florida where my sister lives.

And for the space industry, it is the return to the Moon.

I would love to hear about your biggest regrets in life or the tiniest. If you would like to share your regrets with me, email me at Spacenewsmom@gmail.com

Okay, today, I am going to tell you about NASA’s plans to return to the moon, the reasons why we are finally going back and when you can expect to book your dream lunar vacation.

NASA is committed to landing American astronauts, including the first woman and the next man, on the Moon by 2024.

The agency will fly two missions around the Moon to test its deep space exploration systems. NASA is working toward launching Artemis I in 2020, an uncrewed flight to test the Space Launch System and Orion spacecraft together. Artemis II, the first Space Launch System and Orion flight with crew, is targeted for launch in 2022. NASA will land astronauts on the Moon by 2024 on the Artemis III mission and about once a year thereafter. 

Now it’s time for a Space News Mom fun fact: Do you know where the name Artemis came from?

Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology. Now, she personifies the path to the Moon as the name of NASA’s program to return astronauts to the lunar surface by 2024, including the first woman and the next man. When they land, the American astronauts will step foot where no human has ever been before: the Moon’s South Pole.

Before we look at the reasons for returning to the moon, I asked myself why we ever stopped going to the moon. And this is what I found out:

It all began with the race to space between the USA and the USSR.

1957 USSR launched first ever satellite into orbit Sputnik and then sent Laika the dog into space that same year

1958 NASA formed by USA

But then in 1961 USSR sent first man into space – Yuri Gagarin

And then 1963 USSR sent first woman into space – Valentina Tereshkova

So now the USA had to do something absolutely stellar to beat the Soviet Union down. So in 1966 the USA government pumped money into the space program. We are talking about 4.5% of the national budget (basically about 45 billion dollars in today’s amount) MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.

Like I always say, if you want to get to the root of any issue: Follow the money trail!

After all that money was thrown on the issue, in 1969 the USA put man on the moon!

However, the Apollo program lasted 4 years with the last lunar mission being launched in 1972.

If it was money that thrusted the Apollo program to the moon than it was the withdrawal of funds that shut it down. NASA continually lost federal funding year after year. The current funding for NASA is 0.5% of the federal budget (21 billion dollars a year).

Why to return to the moon now:

It’s been 50 freaking years since we have been there! Its just time we go back. We’ve had 12 moon walkers that lived among us, now that number has dropped to 4.

The moon is our 8th continent which lends itself to exploration. And just like another continent, what will we find there? Some say our own history or water

The moon is a stepping stone to our mission to Mars and beyond

Global challenge to work together

Most logical reason: miniaturization of electronics which means we have figured out how to stuff a whole bunch of tech in a small little box coupled with the launching cost staying the same for decades created this nice little friendly pathway to return to the moon.

And since we can stuff that rocket full of satellites, the risk approach has changed. The old school way of thinking was that everything had to work with a 99.9% probability of success but now let’s thrust a whole bunch of satellites into space, more than we need, and if a few fail, then no big deal.

Frequency of launches

Venture capitalists can now play into the financial strategy of the space industry instead of only governments since the financial costs are now lower than they once were to go to space.

Hopeful space traveller, like myself? Wondering how much you need to save for your dream lunar vacation?

Time for a Space News Mom fun fact: Space tourism start-up companies have declared their cost for each tourist for a tour to the Moon. Space Adventures is charging $150 million per seat, a price that includes months of ground-based training, although this is only a fly-by mission, and will not land on the Moon.

Or do you dream of that dark side of the moon wedding?

Don’t pick out your wedding dress just yet since you will need to wait for a few decades.

The European Space Agency has plans for a Moon Village in 2060. You should watch the YouTube video using 3 layers of lunar dust! Excellent engineering idea!

Now you know about NASA’s plans to return to the moon Artemis 1, 2 & 3, the reasons why we stopped going to the moon, pretty much money and the reasons why we are finally going back. Oh and now you know how much each seat costs on the tours to the Moon, 150 million dollars.

If you would like to learn more about how I became Space News Mom or if you would like FREE downloadable worksheets for the kids, check out my website at www.spacenewsmom.com   

Until next week, I’m Space News Mom and thanks for listening.

Welcome to the third episode of Space News Mom

Right now, happening today, and all weekend long is EUROPEAN SPACE WEEK!

If you want to know some cool space news facts, stay tuned all the way to the end of today’s episode.

Although the high temperature today in Helsinki, Finland where the Europeans are gathering for SPACE WEEK is a chilly 39 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s still quite warmer than space!

Time for a Space News Mom fun fact: The temperature in outer space is 2.73 Kelvin (-270.42 Celsius, -454.75 Fahrenheit). This is actually the temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, which is spread throughout the entire universe.

If you are wondering what the heck is Kelvin? Kelvin is a temperature scale. Absolute zero, or 0°Kelvin, is the temperature at which molecular energy is a minimum, and it corresponds to a temperature of −273.15° on the Celsius temperature scale.

Check out my website at www.spacenewsmom.com for FREE downloadable worksheets on this topic and more.

Shortly I’m gonna share with you something exciting that will happen at SPACE WEEK.

But now I wanna share that The EUROPEAN SPACE WEEK central themes are mostly about global leadership in climate action and sustainability for 1) economic growth in the space industry 2) the Arctic and 3) saving space for future generations. All very noble and fantastic topics.

Okay, here is the exciting part!

If you like the sound of a 16,000 EURO cash prize coupled with a business collaboration opportunity worth 75,000 EURO then this is the event for you!

It’s a 48-hour Hackathon! Galileo and Copernicus Innovation Challenge!

For those of you who are like me, I was asking myself, what the heck is Galileo and Copernicus!

Never fear, Space News Mom is here to inform:

Entering the space era, the European Union invested heavily in one of the most crucial applications of space tech – a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) – with the aim to provide European citizens and global users with a highly precise and accurate positioning, independent of other nations’ systems. The project, named after the renowned astronomer Galileo, went live in 2016.

Galileo satellite positioning system, the only civil-operated military-independent Global Navigation Satellite System, beats its equivalents with the best positioning accuracy and provides a multitude of open and commercial services.

Okay, that’s Galileo.

Copernicus: Europe’s eyes on Earth! Full, Free, Open Access to data (by 2030, predicted to create 48,000 jobs) 6 satellites orbiting Earth known as the sentinels that collect data and monitor in the following areas: atmosphere, marine environment, land, climate change, emergency management and security.

Okay, that’s Copernicus.

What do Galileo and Copernicus have in common?

Time for a Space News Mom Fun Fact: Galileo built a telescope of his own and began to study the heavens. He quickly made a series of important discoveries. … Eventually, Galileo came to the same conclusion as Copernicus: the sun, not Earth, was at the center of the universe. 

Okay, Back to European Space Week

What’s the challenge all about?

The Galileo & Copernicus Innovation Challenge is a 48-hour hackathon.

During the 48 hours, people aged 18+ of all skill levels will come together to share ideas, and create new and awesome applications! The prototypes to be developed during the hackathon shall be emergency applications that exploit Copernicus Earth observation data and Galileo’s improved positioning and timing information.

For example such an app could show location-based emergency alerts and guide citizens and/or emergency responders in case of natural or man-made disaster. Guidance from local authorities could be coordinated to guide citizens to safe shelters and indicate ways to request assistance. An app could support emergency responders in navigating on a safe route to their target location. An app could activate local communities to help each other and emergency units…the possibilities are endless.

European Space Week or more like a weekend is more centrally themed around global leadership in climate action and sustainability in the areas of 1) economic growth in the space industry 2) the Arctic and 3) saving space for future generations.

BUT I will be watching for the winners of that cash prize and also for the innovative applications that result from this challenge!

If you would like to learn more about how I became Space News Mom or if you would like FREE downloadable worksheets for the kids, check out my website at www.spacenewsmom.com

Until next week, I’m Space News Mom and thanks for listening.

Welcome to my second episode of Space News Mom.

As parents, we search for opportunities. Daily opportunities to love our kids, yes, but I want to talk about BIG opportunities for those college kids or for those of us who have aspiring space walkers, like mine.

Recently, I discovered that some countries have begun a “space directory” of space industry companies. Now what does that mean to you or me? OR better, what does it mean for our kids? Opportunity. O for Opportunity, my friends. Just a click away from applying to a dream internship or a trainee program or researching a new career path!

In this episode I will tell you where to find these opportunities and how to keep on searching for them! If you would like, jump on over to my website www.spacenewsmom.com, take a look at the Space Directory Page for a free list of Space industry companies (absolutely for FREE).

It all started when I was travelling in Eastern Europe just last week, Romania to be specific. A beautiful and active country with the European Space Agency. The Romanian Space Agency or ROSA (R-O-S-A) lists 54 industrial space companies on their website at http://www2.rosa.ro/index.php/en/space-strategy/comunitate-industriala which got me thinking that if I were a Romanian parent, I would enter into each website of each company listed and check whether there are internships or trainee programs offered.

Space News Mom fun fact: ROSA president Dr. Marius-loan Piso has been elected vice president of the International Academy of Astronautics this year along with vice presidents from Russia and the USA.

A quick place to check out space industry companies is the International Academy of Astronautics website list of supporting donors and partners. Hint: scroll all of the way down once you reach the home page at https://iaaweb.org/

AND then I thought, well if Romania has listed their space industry community, then it’s possible that other countries have done the same. I immediately searched in google and found, that yes, my theory was correct.

Ireland has a website called: https://www.caseforspace.ie/irelands_space_directory/

No, I didn’t make that up! Check it out!

https://www.ualberta.ca/institute-for-space-science-exploration-and-technology/internships-and-fellowships  Canada

https://www.inspirespace.com/space-courses-and-groups/  European Space Camp

https://www.esa.int/About_Us/Careers_at_ESA/Graduates_Young_Graduate_Trainees European Space Agency

Okay, say you want your kid to stay in the USA. I understand. I get you.

A simple Google search of the terms “intern and space industry” will reveal the following results:

http://nmspacegrant.com/internships/ NASA internship

Also http://yaleaerospace.com/compiled-list-of-summer-opportunities/

If you are looking for more, like me. The Space Frontier Foundation provides a list of companies and organizations associated with New Space. 

New Space is a conference that brings the three pillars of the space industry together – startups, established companies, and government agencies – with private investors and tech innovators.  

Also http://spacefrontier.org/newspace-directory/

Remember, you can find the complete list with all website links on my website www.spacenewsmom.com under the Space Directory Tab.

Every single company listed either has either a trainee/internship program or career section on their website so check them out! You may be the one to set your kid on their journey to a space industry career! or investment.

Okay, so let’s take a look at a few of my favorite space industry companies:

Deep Space Industries builds on the incredible heritage of the first age of space exploration and harness the power of a new age of information to locate, explore, harvest and utilize the vast numbers of asteroids in Earth’s community but they were acquired by Bradford Space in 2018. Bradford Space is a world-beating space systems group building non-toxic propulsion, space station facilities, deep space missions, and attitude control systems. Located in the U.S. (California), the Netherlands, Sweden and Luxembourg, Bradford Space has a global presence. In July of 2017, Bradford acquired ECAPS, otherwise known as Ecological Advanced Propulsion Systems, marking a major expansion into non-toxic propulsion systems https://www.bradford-space.com/

Interorbital Systems (IOS), established in 1996 in Mojave, California, develops and manufactures low-cost, state-of-the-art orbital launch vehicles and satellites for private, commercial, governmental, academic, arts, and military applications http://interorbital.com/

JP Aerospace is an independent space program staffed by volunteers dedicated to bringing space travel to everyone http://jpaerospace.com/

Moon Express, Inc. is a privately funded lunar transportation
and data services company. We have the experienced people, partners and financial resources to blaze a trail to the Moon and establish new avenues for commercial space activities beyond Earth orbit http://moonexpress.com/

TRUSAT is a citizen-powered, open source system for creating a globally-accessible, trusted record of satellite orbital positions. It is primarily designed to enable the assessment of satellite operations in the context of space sustainability standards. Join their mailing list at https://www.trusat.org/ This company promotes a new sport: satellite tracking

ConsenSys envisions a space program in which any person can participate and contribute. So they are building collaboration platforms to diversify, democratize, and decentralize space endeavors. Their first step is an open source citizen-led space sustainability system. You can join them by signing up for their mailing list at https://consensys.space/

These last two companies I am going to talk about are fun fun fun companies! These companies are representatives of the Space Tourism Industry!

Space Adventures, Ltd. is the world’s premier private space exploration company and the only company currently providing opportunities for actual private spaceflight and space tourism today. Using proven equipment and working side-by-side with professional astronauts and cosmonauts, Space Adventures is the first and only company to have sent private clients to space http://www.spaceadventures.com/

Zero Gravity Corporation is a privately held space entertainment and tourism company whose mission is to make the excitement and adventure of space accessible to the public. The experience offered by ZERO-G is the only commercial opportunity on Earth for individuals to experience true “weightlessness” without going to space https://www.gozerog.com/

Whether you want to apply for a dream internship or a trainee program or research a new career path or find an adventure of a lifetime, search the companies of the space industry! You will find what you are looking for and keep up your search because this is a growing industry and companies are not only being bought and sold, but you have new innovative companies starting all the time!

If you would like to learn more about how I became Space News Mom or if you would like FREE downloadable worksheets for the kids, check out my website at www.spacenewsmom.com   

Until next week, I’m Space News Mom and thanks for listening.

Welcome to my very first episode of Space News Mom

This episode is very special to me, not only because it is my first one, but because it is about another mother. I know, like myself, all moms want to prepare their children for the future. Moms give some great advice and the mom I am going to talk about today is no different.

Except for one thing, she spent 8 days in a place that only 65 women have been. Space!

Dr. Anna Lee Fisher is celebrated as the First Mom in Space! And she has some great advice that will help with preparing your kids for their adventures in life!

During her speech at UCLA centennial celebration this summer (Happy 100th!) she shared a 14 point reminder checklist from lessons learned from her life:  

  1. Be who you want to be and live the life you want to live – In other words, live according to your own rules and not other’s expectations. Dr. Fisher took an eight year leave of absence from NASA to raise her family from 1988 to 1996. She lived by her own desires! HAVE COURAGE TO FOLLOW YOUR INNER VOICE!
  2. Find that which you are passionate about and your life will be rich and rewarding – Our lady astronaut found math and science early
  3. Life is not fair. It’s just not. (Some people are just born smarter, more beautiful; go for the life that you want or you can use the hand you were dealt as an excuse!)
  4. Failure is an option, and all of you, as I have, will encounter failure or disappointment sometimes throughout your life. It is how you respond that matters.
  5. Always have a backup plan. (always be prepared)
  6. Don’t give up – be persistent if you really want something.
  7. Enjoy the journey. Do not be so focused on the destination or that future goal that you miss all the simple pleasures of life.
  8. Change – life is full of changes. Be adaptable. Be flexible.
  9. Do not be afraid to take risks when you are older and have a family or other obligations.
  10. Should you find yourself on the wrong path or just one that doesn’t fit – do not be afraid to change directions!
  11. Thank your parents and all those who help you throughout your life.
  12. Don’t be afraid of growing old. Embrace every year that passes
  13. We are all astronauts on the spaceship Earth. Let’s all take care of our ship and each other just as space shuttle and space station crews do. With the Commercialization of Low Earth Orbit, more people will have the opportunity to see the world as an astronaut does. One little Blue Earth.
  14. Be kind to one another. Respect other peoples’ views even if they are very different than your own.

Dr. Anna Lee Fisher is the First Mom in Space! She really gave a solid checklist for life! I will definitely use number 7 and enjoy my journey as Space News Mom as well as take her advice and embrace getting old.

If you would like to learn more about how I became Space News Mom or if you would like FREE downloadable worksheets for the kids, check out my website at www.spacenewsmom.com

Until next week, I’m Space News Mom and thanks for listening.